“To take a photograph is to participate in another person's mortality... precisely by slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to time's relentless melt.”
―Susan Sontag

Although I haven’t quite figured out the secret to immortality, I do know that a Photograph is a unique kind of magic that freezes a moment in time. Moments of joy and connection, celebration and awe, growth and accomplishment, thrill and passion…split seconds of time we’re otherwise unable to relive.

Every time I capture a moment with my camera, I’m able to gift someone the ability to share a little slice of their lifetime with generations to come. Photos are an integral part of being remembered after we’re gone & leaving a memory for our posterity of a life well lived.

As I fiercely celebrate every “Til death we do part”, my vow to you is to keep on creating

Til death we do ART

Capture the moments that matter. Tell your story. Leave your Legacy.